Greenbytes now 100% software focused; Interview with CEO Steve O’Donnell

GreenBytesGreenBytes, 1st interview with CEO Steve O’Donnell
Date: 21 August 2013
GreenBytes Crunchbase profile

Interview with GreenBytes CEO Steve O’Donnell

Today I had a skypecall with Steve O’Donnell, CEO of Greenbytes. In first part of a two-part interview, we discussed Greenbytes’ business strategy in light of this recent news.

Read the in-depth interview with Steve O’Donnell

As an introduction, let’s focus on what Greenbytes do and where their product adds value.

Greenbytes value proposition: VDI

The storage market is highly varied in technical solutions and there many startups with equivalent approaches. The large number of startups are hard to pin down in a framework to reveal how they relate to each other. I aim to zoom in on several storage startups that caught my attention and find out what sets them apart.

Greenbytes offers a solution specifically for VDI environments / relieves the Storage array by handling the VDI environment. Their current solutions are I/O Offload engine (Array+Software) and vIO (Software only).
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